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Dalia Savy
Haseung Jun
Audrey Damon-Wynne
Dalia Savy
Haseung Jun
Audrey Damon-Wynne
Body senses provide you with information about the position of your body in respect to your environment. The four main ones are touch, pain, vestibular, and kinesthesis.
The sense of touch that you experience is a mix of pressure, warmth, cold, and pain. Variations of these four include tickling, itching, and wetness. For example, wetness results from the stimulation of both cold and pressure receptors. The information from the sensory receptors is then carried to your spinal cord, which is transferred to your medulla, thalamus, and, finally, the somatosensory cortex in your parietal lobe.
Touch is very subjective. For example, some people love massages; other people don't like people touching them (especially strangers!). People that like massages might prefer a firm, deep-tissue massage, or a gentler, light Swedish-style massage.
Just as smell and taste are essential for your survival, pain is your body’s way of telling you to stop an action that may be harmful to you, or to get yourself to a doctor because there is something wrong inside your body. Some people are born without a sense of pain, and unfortunately, they often die early because their brain doesn't get the message that something is wrong. Imagine if your appendix burst and you didn't even feel it?
Endorphins, which are our “feel good” hormones, also play a role in our perception of pain, and it seems that there are genetic differences in their production. This may explain why some people are more sensitive to pain than others, and why women are more sensitive to pain than men. (Women are also more sensitive to hearing and smell).
It also explains why some athletes don’t notice that they have sprained their ankle during a game. How is that possible? Wouldn’t they automatically detect the pain? No, because while you play a sport, endorphins are naturally released. This sensation of endorphins blocks the pain during the game, but soon after, the pain is felt.
In addition to these biological influences on pain, there are also psychological and social-cultural influences. Our perception of pain can be increased or decreased depending on our attention to it, our expectations and even the presence of other people. Have you ever noticed that a young child may cry louder when they get an "owie" and their parents rush to their aid, than if the parent downplays it? Often children will even look to a parent before reacting.
The vestibular sense is your sense of movement, including balance. Our semicircular canals and vestibular sacs in the inner ear are responsible for keeping balance. Hair cells are stimulated by movement and your vestibular sacs respond to the movement with similar receptors, balancing it out and creating an equilibrium. When you are motion sick 🤢, the signals from your vestibular system and your eyes 👀clash with one another. Tight rope walkers must have an incredible vestibular sense!
Our kinesthetic sense comes from muscles and joints🦾. Our muscles and joints send information to our brain as to where our limbs are. This information is then combined with visual senses, creating a way to track where our body parts are. You can touch your kneecap with high accuracy because you know where your finger and kneecap are in relation to each other.
information from muscles, tendons, and joints
walking a straight line with our eyes closed
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